
Spread the healing

Thanks for stopping by! I’m Elaine and…well, what can I say? I’m a mom striving to create fun foods that heal. Let me share with you a little bit about how I ended up here.

Our family’s journey towards a Paleo/AIP diet came about when our youngest daughter, KT, developed a second autoimmune problem at the age of twelve. When she was five KT was diagnosed with celiac disease and we embraced a gluten free diet. However, she later developed recurrent pericarditis, which began to quickly escalate in severity, requiring heavy medications and frequent trips to the ER and pediatric cardiac clinic. Seeing her in so much pain, we knew we needed to try something that would prevent her from worsening symptoms and heavier medications. We went out on a limb and plunged into the world of the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), thinking it couldn’t hurt to try. The results for KT were nothing short of miraculous. After starting the AIP her pericarditis stopped flaring up and she has been able to come off all medications. In addition, issues that never seemed to clear up while on a gluten free diet for her celiac suddenly disappeared. Our prayers were more than answered.

Although our family took on the AIP/Paleo diet to support KT, much to our surprise, it also ended up benefiting our oldest daughter, EC, in ways we could never have expected. In addition, my husband and I ended up feeling a lot better eating this way. So it’s been a win for our whole family!

While we are so grateful for the incredible improvements in KT and EC’s health, taking away a lot of foods my kids enjoyed was a hard thing for both my daughters, as well as for me and my husband. Creating new recipes my family loves has become a way for us to stay positive and excited about our way of eating and living. I want to make it clear that I’m not a trained chef, dietician or anything related to those professions. I’m a mom who spends a lot of time in her kitchen, trying to keep her kids healthy and happy!

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